As you may be aware, The Expanded Benefits Team has been working hard to provide an offering of benefits for our servant leaders. We are excited to announce that the first phase of our benefits are ready to launch! This phase, referred to as Employee Direct Benefits (EDB), features benefits offered by AFLAC. They provide various products that bridge the gap in healthcare expenses that are not paid for by your health insurance.
We plan to offer several Zoom sessions to discuss this new benefits program and address any questions and/or concerns. The Zoom meeting details will follow ASAP. Thank you for your continued support and your patience. We look forward to serving you.
Please take a moment to review the Employee Direct Benefits on the link listed to the right. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the ECB team on the link listed above. 


To promote the Lord’s vision by expanding church benefits to those who serve in ministry, preparing them for whatever life brings. Offering products such as group health insurance, life insurance, long-term disability coverage, and other well-being programs/products will accomplish the vision.            


Expanding Church Benefits Committee will be composed of subject matter experts in the multifaced field of benefits and those who have the heart to explore benefits and best practices to implement the Lord’s vision effectively. 


Upon a brief discussion with Deacon Ray McKnight, the following suggestions are presented for consideration before fully implementing the expanded church benefits initiative.
Consider surveying the leaders to see what Benefits and/ Services they have the most interest in. Based on survey results, we can prioritize the benefits and services to offer first.

Survey Results

The results of the survey yielded the following interests:
  1. Life Insurance
  2. Dental Insurance
  3. Vision Care
More information will follow. 
  • Deacon Ray McKnight will serve as the chair of the Expanded Church Benefits Committee. Recruitment of volunteers experienced in benefits programs is essential to reduce any learning curves regarding various benefits packages and reluctance to collaborate with agencies and their personnel when gathering information on suitable products. They must provide recommendations based on thorough analyses based upon their expertise and present programs to the Executive Council for approval.
  • Select committee members will serve as primary representatives of the Church of God by Faith, Inc when collaborating with the Church Benefits Association. They will attend annual meetings to stay abreast of the latest products and services and establish relationships with ministries that best align with the values of COGBF. Provide best practices and products to the Executive Council quarterly and prepare all reports for presentation to servants leaders at each convention.
  • District representatives will liaise with the Expanded Church Benefits Committee to ensure their District Elder and local church pastors are apprised of policy, procedures, and benefits packages.

Suggested benefits/services to offer:

  1. Life Insurance
  2. Dental
  3. Vision
  4. Disability
  5. Long Term Care
  6. Medical
  7. Critical Illness
  8. Accident
  9. Cancer
  10. Estate Planning
  11. Identity Protection
  12. Legal Services
  13. Explore the feasibility of setting up a Section 125 Plan (also known as Cafeteria Plan) for the Church. The 125 Plans allow qualified benefits to be paid with pretax dollars.
  • “A cafeteria plan is a separate written plan maintained by an employer for employees that meets the specific requirements of and regulations of section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code. It provides participants an opportunity to receive certain benefits on a pretax basis. Participants in a cafeteria plan must be permitted to choose among at least one taxable benefit (such as cash) and one qualified benefit. The written plan must specifically describe all benefits and establish rules for eligibility and elections.”